Monday, June 25, 2007

Public Golf Course

Playing on a public golf course is the only alternative for many people because the at cost of membership at most golf clubs is out of the price range for the majority of people.

Fortunately the lower cost of playing on a public golf course allows those who haven't got quite so much money to still be able to enjoy the game.

There are some very good players playing on public golf courses and quite a lot of them are better than those who are members of golf clubs and it is only through their lack of funds that they don't get the opportunity to play in club events.

If you are just beginning to play golf then it is a good idea to go to a public golf course and hire some clubs while you improve your game and then as your ability increases you will probably need to buy your own set of clubs but in doing so you will save the cost of having to upgrade by having hired your clubs initially at a public golf course.

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